Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Massive Snow Storm!

The massive snowstorm was approaching and seeing it coming on the news got me excited because the previous storm was a blast around the time that “Avatar” arrived.  I knew this was my chance to use all of my experience with the W1 to get some decent 3D snow pictures.  I could feel the sensation pulsing threw my veins for the event.  I ran to the grocery store and got stocked up with necessities and filled the cars completely with gas.  I also stopped at the special beverage establishment to prepare to be snowed in.  I got a ride to work as the snow began to fall and it just happened that I had the next couple of days off.  I got I excited like a kid and their first time in a candy store.  I got the batteries charged up when I got home and realized I forgot to get extra memory cards.  It was okay because I had enough room left for some pictures on the current solid-state storage cards.  The morning came and I went outside before noon and started clicking away.  I was cold but every picture was worth the uncomfortable effort.  Not only did the branches make for some great 3D pictures but the fact that snow gave it a monotone look caused me to realized that the anaglyph versions will turn out perfect.  I took pictures until my memory card ran out and went straight to the computer and started converted pictures.  The process was a timely procedure just like any editing or photo correction but it must be completed in order to show what snow scenery looks like in 3D.  I was happy with the turn out and my 3D investment was starting to pay off!

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